In September , TENco Foundation had the pleasure of visiting the Medair headquarters for the annual meeting of program directors from different countries.
We spent the day meeting program directors from Turkey, Ukraine and DR Congo. It was a great opportunity to hear first hand experience of people on the ground , especially in the project we are already funding, the aid program in Ukraine.
We would like to share with you some insights from our day with Medair:
Project : Shelter project in Turkey
In Turkey, the shelter prototypes , for those who lost their homes as a result of the earthquake , is in its final stages.
Engineers at Medair developed two types of shelters that can be constructed in short time and are durable in every season, provide some level of security and privacy and what is most important, is the best alternative to cabins and tents that are currently the only available type of shelter for those who suffered.
You can still gift a shelter to a family and we are more than happy to facilitate that for you.
Project : Aid in Ukraine
As the severe winter is approaching, temperatures reaching -30C, there are many houses that have been destroyed and do not provide adequate insulation and conditions for survival. Additionally, there are reconstructions of health centres in action.
Medical equipment, essential medicines, clinic building repairs, energy supplies, training of staff and assistance of disabled and elderly patients are the types of activities taking place.
Since April 2023 Medair achieved : 134 repaired houses(objective 185) , 1 completely renovated clinic(objective 6), 88 people participated in psychosocial support sessions (objective 192), 4 256 people received financial assistance(target 4,220).
We were very excited to hear that the project supported by us is reaching all its goals and aiding so many people in need.
Project : The health centers project in DR CONGO
This was a new project introduced to us. Medair is rebuilding and equipping health centers in DR Congo especially in areas where communities are isolated from any medical assistance due to geographical and political difficulties. From maternity wards for women, to children suffering from the most basic to more complicated health issues, these centers take care of everyone in the community. TENco Foundation is financially supporting this project . Moreover, under this project, clean water access is also provided by building wells. Access to clean water is vital and the most important disease preventing measure. Therefore, we believe in the importance of this project and the vitality of the work done.
Please find some photos of our visit. Thank you for your constant support!